Indicators that your drains may require descaling include persistent slow-draining sinks or toilets, recurring blockages, and visible signs of limescale buildup in areas like tap outlets or showerheads (suggesting hard water conditions overall). If you’ve noticed a gradual decline in water flow rates or frequently hear gurgling noises from your pipes, scale may have accumulated sufficiently to impede normal function. Discoloured water—especially if it appears murky or contains flakes—can also signal mineral deposits breaking loose inside the system. Professional CCTV inspections can confirm whether scale is the culprit behind drainage problems, as they reveal the pipe’s interior condition. Additionally, if you live in a region known for hard water, scheduling periodic descaling can be a proactive measure to avoid larger complications later. Ultimately, a combination of symptoms—sluggish drains, recurring clogs, and known hard water—makes descaling a strong contender for restoring efficient and reliable pipe performance.